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I recently watched an Italian movie from 2020 produced by Netflix, based on an incredible true story. Set in the 1960s, an Italian engineer constructs an island (more of a platform) off the coast of Rimini in the Adriatic Sea and declares it a sovereign state. The film does an excellent job of highlighting the irony and paradox of laws, bureaucracy and statism and I highly recommend it to all libertarians. It's remarkable that in the current context of wokeism and cultural Marxism, a platform like Netflix has produced such a work.
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I am definitely going to check this out.
I was telling you about it in the past. Is good and funny. here is full movie https://www.bitchute.com/video/sXu5iX0MLXnb/
I will enjoy this. My memory stinks. I need to be reminded of good movies.
I don't have Netflix anymore, but don't they hold a lot of unexpected content like this? I remember when they had all the controversy about Dave Chappell's newer stuff and they never took that down. Hats off to them for not censoring material they may disagree with.
thanks, I've had this on my list for a long time but, alas, I rarely make time to watch movies. Will try to watch it sometime.
The following February, after government orders, divers placed explosives on the supporting pillars and attempted to blow it up with TNT.
Rovere says: "[The Italian government] tried to disassemble the island, but it was impossible, so they needed to bomb it.
"In reality, they needed two very hard bombings of the island to destroy it. And after that, the government sent [Georgio] the bill for the war… We saw the receipt."