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It’s the opposite of El Salvador and what Milei is trying in Argentina, move to a stronger currency
Liberia was not a French colony. It was liberated from France and USA
ES and Argentina adoption of a foreign currency followed the failure of their respective local currencies. I suspect that the decision to switch to the usd makes sense because the US are their biggest trading partner? In a way, it's actually a similar situation with France and their former African colonies, no?
I was initially very hopeful the Central African Republic would follow ES steps, but it became clear very early that they were actually setting up a gigantic scam. Our next best shot at adopting bitcoin will be the deployment of the strike wallet.
I don't understand your reference to Liberia in this context...
Liberia was a country created by emancipated slaves in USA. They thought life would be better in Africa than in USA. They were wrong
Regarding Argentina I said it’s the reverse because CFA is ending , Argentina is doing the opposite
How many times have people been hopeful about Africa only to be disappointed?
Stop being hopeful about Africa. Until the people get smarter and less corrupt and less violent nothing will change