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we will manually payout the difference to everyone who was rewarded less

everyone who was rewarded more can keep the result of our mistake

Many of you have noticed you weren't rewarded in accordance with the MSM leaderboard this morning. Thank you to those of you who politely and patiently complained.
The problem was caused by us paying out rewards according to February's "value" rankings rather than March's.
We do something like this in the code date_trunc('month', (now() - interval '1 month') AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago') to determine which month it is in Austin, but last month we had daylight savings time, so this resulted in february rather than march.
now() - interval '1 month' returns a UTC timestamp in a time period that's pre-daylight savings, so when cast to Austin time, it subtracts 6 hours (pre-daylight savings) rather than 5 hours (daylight savings), which moved the date to February 29th 11pm rather than the expected March 1 12am.
This code should've been written as date_trunc('month', (now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago' - interval '1 month')) ... which wouldn't have had this issue.
Again, we'll pay everyone out the difference today, manually. Then I'll fix the issue in the code so this doesn't happen again next time we have a time change.
Everyone who wasn't paid or underpaid has been paid out of our pocket manually.
In total, there were 45 people not paid or underpaid to total of 1,276,620 sats.
Oof, that's a hit. What's the best way to channel sats back to SN if we want to help heal the hurts caused by daylight savings?
Keep the sats and zap good stuff.
The sats are never that big of a loss relative to the time/emotional stuff tbh. I also wouldn't change the morning if I could. Mistakes are vivid in a way that few things are.
Zapping good stuff in progress
I’m humbled by how you absorbed the mistake like a BOSS. I will remember what you said about vivid mistakes
Thanks boss.
This is kinda great. I can't remember from my memory if I have ever seen such culture elsewhere. Everybody faults but who has the courage to accept? You not only accepted but you're prompt to mend things shows your utmost dedication for the welfare of this community.
For me you @k00b is a hero now and I will cherish this as a lesson of honesty and dedication the rest of my life. Hats off to you!
Many thanks! 🙏
Mine was only off by 235, so safe to say I wouldn’t have noticed anything!
Thanks! I already get paid
Yeah, see? That's why I like SN and the team: they don't bitch around.
They announce, fix what's needed and move on- just as it should be.
Can we not push the fix? Would love to get a free ride for April MSM…
Only if everyone agrees to point the pitchforks at you instead :)
Hold out your hand 🤝
I was wondering why I got about 25k more sats than I expected. I accept your error and forgive you for giving me more than I deserve. I won't forget this while donating to rewards this month.
Yes I donated 2100 sats already. I will donate at least 500 every day for the month.
how to tell if I was overpaid?
How can you tell what you were supposed to get? I never checked the leaderboard so I have no idea. Can we still check or is it overwritten?
Don't worry about it if you weren't underpaid. If you were underpaid, you were paid the difference.
So, in any case, don't worry.
I don't know either way, but my fear was the opposite. I didn't want to be overpaid. But I'll stop thinking about it, as you wish.
Oh I know. I didn’t want to frame the message in one way or another.
Yet another reason daylight savings is awful.
You all do great work on this site and the biggest thrill for me is getting to be a part of figuring out how to do this brand new thing that is SN.
I found it strange to have dropped some positions, but I never thought it was a bug.
It's such a cliche to have bugs like this around daylight savings, but it was indeed a bug.
I haven't had a chance to have a bug like this before. I won't forget it at the very least.
Things happen! Edsel Murphy's Law - Anything That Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong.
I had a bug because of leap years. #452563 👀
Oof. Thanks for the quick resolution -- I know this can't have been fun. As they say, there's no better beta test than production.
It's fascinating to me that you can actually materialize the literal cost of a bug. Of course, most bugs in software can lead to a certain cost, but usually it's a rough estimate at best. In this case, it is literally an exact value. Very neat, but also slightly terrifying!
Talk a bank error in my favor!
is this the April joke? 👀
hmmmmm, maybe SN shouldn't based on Austin time anymore? in case it will happen again.
The only one fooled was me this time!
maybe @k00b pretending to be fooled so to fool us? 🤔😂😂😂
joke aside - why not change the timezone? not only its causing headaches need to adapt the saloon open time from time to time, and now it's causing bug, and who knows what's next!
The experiment has shown us that those who didn't get their payout today and bitched and moaned, meant that you didn't do anything in February and then posted and zapped like a pleb in March, because there was a big fat carrot dangled in front of your face. But if that's what it takes for you to engage then fair enough.
I literally got here on Feb 26, so pretty sure hitting the chart then wasn't in the cards. And at least a couple of the other folks posting started later (one started on March 9 and finished in the top half).
Hahahahahahahahaha daylight savings is a shit coin. I haven't had it for 10 years living abroad. It has a material (read negative) impact on people's lives.
daylight savings always causing problems. Statistically, there are even more car accidents: "The Number of Fatal Car Accidents Spikes After Daylight Saving Time"
Be patient as the boss is now doing it manually. No problems. You will be rewarded the remaining sats in a few hours.
I think I was underpaid. If I had been overpaid, I would have returned the sats.
You'll get what you're owed if you were underpaid. If you were overpaid, keep it and zap it forward.
Ok really appreciate the transparency. Onward!
Not received a single SAT from MSM
Daily was good (Change it to daily, and reward accordingly)
Sn is not for everyone, new comers are late comers here.
I suspect I had a payout based on Feb and not March ?
What about those who are neverpaid?
I was at rank 30 hardly before 10 minutes before MSM reaching to the finish line. I am still waiting to be paid. You didn't mention anything about me or others who weren't paid.
Also, it was I who asked for it here #489425
we will manually payout the difference to everyone who was rewarded less
This applies to you too, partner. The point is you will get what you're owed.
I have to do it manually. It will probably take me a few hours, but it will happen. Thank you for your continued patience.
Then that's okay, no worries.
I just thought underpaid means paid less than what it should be. Paying nothing is a different thing. 😜 Still thanks for the information and for continuing Million Sat Madness for April. I love it.
You have to be patient, I don't know if I wasn't even in the top 64, I saw it about 4-5 hours before and I was in 52nd place I think, I don't know if the reason why I didn't get paid was because I was taken out of the ranking.
The Million Sats Madness
Many of you have noticed you weren't rewarded in accordance with the MSM leaderboard this morning. Thank you to those of you who politely and patiently complained.
Thanks for this review
Again, we'll pay everyone out the difference today, manually. Then I'll fix the issue in the code so this doesn't happen again next time we have a time change.
Good one.