Fascinating read.
Here's a question: Do you notice a correlation between student background and their proclivity for Austrianism / Bitcoin?
I've always figured that Bitcoin was more attractive to engineers than typical economists. Perhaps this in part due to Bitcoin's interconnection with energy, or maybe it has something to do with the "strong foundation" design philosophy. Whatever the reason, I can't help but notice that many of the economists and analysts in the Bitcoin space have engineering backgrounds (off the top of my head: Lyn Alden, Saifedean, Preston Pysh, Greg Foss).
I'm afraid I don't know enough about my students backgrounds to draw conclusions.
I do think that, funnily enough, not having a background in Economics (as in, mainstream, university level economics) probably helps keep an open mind that allows Austrian ideas in easily. That would fit with your hypothesis that engineers have an easier time with Austrian economics.