I would be very impressed if this becomes something major. Gold backed doesn't mean anything if the countries/individuals cannot redeem the currency for gold. let alone having a gold backed reserve currency where the gold is stored in Russia, the very country that started an invasion and imposed a capital control. No one knows how many chinese gold are legit, we are talking upto 4% in its reserve could be fraud
all these effort wasted, they should have just adopted bitcoin.
Russia was dropped from SWIFT (for all but a few types of transactions), so Russia has to proceed with another solution that works cross-border. As described in the link in the newsletter that leads to RT, the currency basket for the BRICS countries is one part, and the payment network that uses that currency basket is another part. Until that exists, we'll see more activity like what India resorted to to pay Russia for oil, by buying UAE dirham and paying Russia with that.
So whether this currency is based on gold, a basket of national currencies, or some other combination, or digital unit even -- it's clear dollar hegemony is ending.
The world order has been maintained by trades relationship and Russia got himself kicked out for a legit reason.
The gold backed means nothing if the trade partners dont want to be dragged into its mess. Russia GDP has already been crashing for a couple of years, it will be China and India who make or break the trade.
And we know china has been pushing for RMB becoming more globally presence worldwide.
Things are about to get interesting, I suspect.