Eye e City used to be a photography competition in which participants ran all over the island to take photos on the last day of every year. The competition has since ceased, but I care enough about the memories to want to type my write-up here. Thanks for reading!
—- While it may seem absurd to spend 31st December running around the island to take random shots instead of gathering with friends to usher in the New Year, participating in Eye e City from 2005-2006 has not prevented me from feeling connected to the people around me.
“Pa! Pretend that you are reading!” I urged as I fiddled with my camera, determined to snap the perfect shot. It was featured in the 2005 commemorative edition, much to my delight.
I casually passed my dad the edition and watched him look at himself in silence. Being a non-demonstrative family, we hardly exchanged a word then, but I hope that he felt the affection I have for him.
The following year, despite protests from my mum, I cajoled her to pose for me. Although that photo didn’t make it to the book, her bashful smile was reward enough for me.
Eye e City gave me the opportunity to have some fun with my family.
Eager to showcase the fishing ground discreetly tucked away near Yishun Central, I made it the subject of my photo essay in 2006. It was my second visit and it felt surreally serene as I observed this group of Malaysians horse around while trying to up their conquest. They were game enough to pose with the fish they had caught.
“Do you have email?” I asked, wanting to forward them their photo.
“No, no email,” they shook their heads.
I felt disappointed initially but realised that I was silly. Why would they need me to preserve their memories when they probably do this every other weekend? I was the outsider fascinated by the novelty of this refreshing experience.
Eye e City prompted me to explore new places and bond with new people.
The first time I received the commemorative edition, I was thrilled by some of the photos.
“Hey, I took a similar shot!” I chuckled as I came across photographs taken at places I had been on the very day itself. Could it be that this photographer and I walked part each other without realising that we were comrades, Turn Left Turn Right style?
Eye e City empowered me to feel solidarity with my countrymen as we communicated ideas and emotions across the pages.
The second time I received my book, I was struck by the soulful observations made on National Stadium and Change Alley, places that were phased out with time. My curiosity was aroused as I marveled at the photos of the goat sacrifice during Hari Raya Haji and resolved to attend the ritual soon.
Besides enabling Singaporeans to pay tribute to the sites which they would miss, Eye e City also rejuvenated me as I got excited at the prospect of trying out new things. Who ever said that Singapore is boring? We just need to dig hard enough.
Eye e City is a chameleon that will reward its supporters with something new every year. I can hardly wait.
Friend! I must tell you, your writing skills are perfect. As a student of literature, my observation puts you close to J.B. Priestley.