Really appreciate this line of thinking. Even not having a website today could be a legitimate business strategy, forcing people to speak with you on the phone. Which you could automate with A.I anyway.
Reminds me of blue ocean strategy that I referenced in post #450871.
You shouldn’t always just remove any ‘ingredient’ or part of the product, and there will be some items that are non-negotiable… but there are new rules to be written and new markets to unlock by doing something completely alien to both buyers & sellers in that existing market. Doing the opposite of what is expected is a legitimate concept, at least as a learning experiment. Businesses don’t take enough small bets in general and should experiment more.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr OP 31 Mar
yeah for sure, aiming to try out one of these “unconventional” strategies on SN soon 👀
also, Blue Ocean Strategy is a great book!