Perhaps the country could apply for an IMF loan in the not too distant future and use the money to buy US government bonds? Then everyone would benefit.
Why don't they print more money like the US? I just overthink it too much. Germany is surely in a drastic situation and deindustrialization isn't helping the cause.
Ukraine continues attacks on Russian infrastructure against American orders
As we have now learned, the Americans have repeatedly tried to persuade Ukrainian President Zelensky to stop the ongoing attacks on Russian infrastructure. Clearly, the party of those who fear an escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and also see inflationary leaps due to rising oil prices as a danger is growing. Zelensky has rejected this according to his own statements - this is an attempt by neocons and the EU technocrats such as French President Macron to steer the Americans back in this war. The European Union, which is facing severe economic problems, needs a cover story for its impending bankruptcy. This must stop!
please don't forget that the German Bundesbank is no longer independent, but the ECB is running the show. the problem they have is that since the GFC they have been taking massive government debt of eurozone countries onto their balance sheet, i.e. 'printing money'. if this accelerates more than in the United States, then that will be the end of the euro.