Hi, thank you very much for that valuable information ! I start to understand the question I had in my mind the whole time: What I want seems too straight forward, there must be a reason why this does not exist (yet).
I also have some doubts to pay services (mostly subscriptions) who claim to have statistics etc. on how I should manage my node. My goal is to have something, everyone could clone/fork and run locally for themselves. I get that in the end the best thing you could have is knowing which nodes (services) you are going to use (buy from) regularly.. If you might have any other "pain points" that might seem solvable in a Bachelor Thesis, hit me up
Back when I was working for a lightning company we had a list of interesting research questions. On top of my head one of the things were routing fees.
So what would be interesting to know is how much did fees rise in the last year, what is the distribution (for instance how much more do top routing nodes charge in comparison to other nodes) and whether there is any correlation between bitcoin network transaction costs and fee schedules on lightning.
Another pain point (at least for me as a hobbyist) are minimum channel sizes. We tried to measure them by trying to connect to every node and deduce from error replies what the minimum channe size is and show that through an explorer. An open-source tool for that or even using that as a consideration with autopilot mode would be great.