This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Trying to generate an invoice to top up my wallet for my SN account, but I'm getting:
Error: Unexpected error value: [503, "AddInvoiceError", { err: [Error] }]
It looks to be succeeding most of the time now. Going to keep an eye on it.
I really need to get a clearnet IP for our node. It's time.
After I finish polls, this is something I'll do.
Yeah, having tor issues. Thanks for reporting! Investigating.
Going to write the Saturday Newsletter, then eat some BBQ.
Other plans this weekend:
  • rework post boost
    • we had 6 boosted posts at the top of the page on Thursday, so we need to at least make it more expensive
  • begin working on polls
In other news: I'm trying to lose some of the weight I gained these last few years - I've probably gained a good 30+ lbs since 2018 (after having lost 30+ in 2017-18). I've been eating every other day for the past week and I'm hoping to keep that up through the rest of the year. Fasting is the only thing that seems to work for my all or nothing brain.
All or nothing brain. I like it - I think that’s how mine works too. Admire the self-awareness.
How about when you try to create a post of a link that's been posted before, it asks you if you want to add to the discussion about that same link before, or if you want to start a new discussion? and if it's been posted before, to repost it will cost exponentially more than the last time the same link was posted.
I like the idea of suggesting an alternative behavior.
We are definitely going to need to do exponential posting costs in certain contexts.
If you're relying on the honor system at this point (which may work for quite a while) exponential costs are probably a bit heavy handed when applied everywhere. My thought was mainly to direct people to existing posts about the same link in case they didnt already know it was discussed before. They may still chose to post it if it's been a while since it was last mentioned (like weeks or months)
I don’t understand how retirement age boomers who don’t need the money take leave and then come back to work! Like WHY ?? The age of I’ll get bored is no longer valid thanks to YouTube nextfilx you have unlimited resources you can access for nearly free to keep your mind stimulated and sharp instead of sitting 8 hours at a laptop wasting real time for fake fiat money like Cantrell said having all your financial needs met frees up time for things you want to do and pursue but hey to each it’s own power on boomer!
identity 🟰 work for many people
and many are still in a lot of debt (mortgage) and nervous about healthcare costs
The power of programming
I think I found a small "bug". All Daily Discussion threads always say "yesterday". No matter if they are from today or a month ago.
This comment was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
That's meant to let you reach the previous day's discussion thread. So the "yesterday" for this (today's) daily discussion thread links to yesterday's (Friday's) daily discussion thread. And the "yesterday" on Friday's daily discussion thread links to Thursday's daily discussion thread.
Oh okay, it's in the exact same place where other posts have the date of submission. Confused me a little.
Today I'm working on (or rather having fun with) which is intended to shame ppl for wasting money on useless stuff :) After over 6 years of Angular front-end development, finally decided to transition to React and this little project is a way to get my hands dirty :)