1. Yesterday, I granted a worldwide freezing order (‘WFO’) in the sum of £6m, on an application brought by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (‘COPA’) against Dr Craig Wright. This judgment contains my reasons for granting that application and certain directions on other applications.
  1. In my judgment, this is a plain case for a freezing injunction and one which extends worldwide. In summary:
  1. First, COPA has a very powerful claim to be awarded a very substantial sum in costs.
  2. Second, I consider there is a very real risk of dissipation.
  3. Third, it is just in all the circumstances to grant a freezing order.
Other directions
  1. In a separate Order, I directed payment out of the sum of £1m lodged by COPA as part of Dr Wright’s security for costs. I also gave directions for the exchange of further written submissions on the applications for costs (and interim payment) brought by COPA and the Developers. As currently advised (but subject to any further Order I may be persuaded to make), I consider these applications can be determined on the papers and those directions seek to facilitate that end.

#COPAvsWright - CSW meets SBF
Craig Wright is delusional.
He's delusional and a puppet. He's being paid by Calvin to stand up nchain and bsv. Calvin, The Workshop, RMcG etc. are master crafters in tech, lies and deception.
The only person I didn't understand was Matthews. He was a moron.
If only someone had invented a technology that allows one to circumvent such freezing order...