"wait for my next post - what if living somewhere could potentially help you build your foundation faster?"
As in: save in a dominant currency or asset, relocate to a poor(er) country, live like a king? Meh.
"but the world is lack of interesting souls now 👀 and what's a future? why not simply do the work and build it yourself without depending on anyone."
Care to expand on the first part?
A future, to me, is something I can look towards without a feeling of dread while feeling like a failure because I'll likely have "fallen through the net" at some point in regards to others my age.
Travelling is nice and all, but it's being treated as something "divine" and almost "necessary" in order to have "a life" by people my age.
dont worry, youre young just do whatever you feel like doing punk rock dont give a fuck life happens on its own terms and at the right time follow your bliss, but not your addictions, lol