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I tip at a half or quarter cent, and update the amount every month or so.
Sounds cumbersome. You still do this?
Yes, when I'm feeling generous 😀
Generous? Doesn't this depend on if the price moves up or down?
And half or quarter cent means between 25 and 12 sats, right? (@20k EUR/BTC)
Yes, but I've shifted to tipping the same amount people tip me. For some reason, other than k00b, that seems to be 1, 5, 10 or 25 sats
Yes I was tipping around 20 to 25 sats. Today a half cent would be 26 sats
Thanks for the 1.224 cents 🤣
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 15 Oct 2022
Curious why you care about the amount in cents? Don't you think this won't matter in the long run?
Good question. It's about flow. If you are buying sats for a certain price only to spend them, you will still think of them at today's price. When you're storing them, you think of them at the HODL bank price (between 10 cents and a dollar). When you're paying someone today, you are transferring todays value, not future value.
888 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 15 Oct 2022
Now that I think of it, exponential tip amounts would be nice. So I would start at 1. Next tips of the same post would mean 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ...
I think that was proposed once, not sure if it was deprioritized or tabled.
888 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 15 Oct 2022
I see. Here you go, deal with 64 sats! haha
My default tip amount is 5. If I see a comment I think is worth tipping, I would already tip at least 5 sats since anything below that means I care so little I wouldn't tip in the first place.
5 sats seems like the minimum to me also. It must be my gut telling me that's the right number at todays prices. I guess that's about 0.1 cent