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Since SBF is due in court today to finally be sentenced for the charges he was convicted of how long do yall think he will be sentenced?
Under 6 Years (his attorneys argument) 36.4%
40-50 Years (US's argument)45.5%
Over 50 (he faces a max of over 100)18.2%
11 votes \ poll ended
Disappointed to say the least. While he is going to appeal the reason and grounds are going to be interesting because if he peels back to much of this case the next judge could implement an even harsher punishment (kinda hope they do that if we are being honest). It will be interesting if prosecutors pick back up the previous charges to hit him with to stack more time.
Should have been life in prison, like most serious crimes without mitigating factors.
Why on earth would you want to ever allow a man like that back into society? He's clearly an evil, dangerous, man. He'll still be a potential danger to society as long as he lives, and there's nothing redeeming about the man.
I am reading more into this area but from what I have gathered from a collapsed company this is the second longest prison sentence... Madolf obviously had the longest but the Theranos people who stole $8 billion only got 11 and 13 years each... Doesnt mean it shouldn't be much longer but it seems white collar crime sentences for this type of stuff at least are relatively short
You could do an oracle with @ek
Sorry I am still new here... what does that mean?
Go to the ~oracle territory. @ek owns the territory and is much better at explaining oracles than I am. Realistically, depending on what time he is getting sentenced there probably isn't enough time any way. It's basically a way to "bet" on outcomes based on prediction markets.
Ah! Thanks for that I will def do that in the future and ask @ek about it! His court case begins at 9:30 BTW
For now, it's just posts and people can reply with their prediction but there is no way to enforce any bets yet. For example, I use a dedicated account (@oracle) for the prize pool of the bitcoin $100k bet1 and stackers just trust me that I will pay the prize out to the winner.


Are any creditors/victims getting their money back?
Funny how "justice" is keeping the fraud living and eating in a prison cell paid for by the victim's own tax dollars.
Yes the bankruptcy team has identified and seized/sold billions in assets already. I want to say they had recovered closed to either $7 billion or $10 billion with them owing only like a billion more. This is before the huge Solana surge though so I am not sure what the status is right now
I was surprised to see he got 25 years, and Ross got life.
Super fucked up.
it's funny that none of the choices match what happened.
The judge just hit him with perjury, witness tampering, and losses to customers were above the top range given by federal sentencing guidelines (over $550 million). The loss he broke down into $1.7 billion to investors, $1.3 billion to Alameda lenders and a loss of $8 billion to FTX customers
Not sure if anyone has seen the headlines but the Judge just announced SBF perjured himself and will face an increase in his sentence!