nonconformists, these outcasts, are the true pioneers of society, the ones who push us to question our assumptions and expand our horizons... It means that you have the potential to make a real difference in the world.
How can this happen if you're ostracized, ridiculed, silenced, held back, ignored censored, cancelled, bullied, killed even and so on... If people aren't ready to question their own conformity (and there are tooooo many in that vocal gang) it's a hard road for the non-conformist. Timothy Leary didn't live in our world, things have changed.
Yep, but not impossible.
Very very true! But when you're in your sixth decade of being a non-conformist you get a bit negative and jaded 😂
Yep. The problems of us old hippies. I remember when liberal democrats wore "question authority" buttons. I can't imagine that now.