Darth jumped up to 4th this morning. He had been behind me. I think that must mean that there's not much separation between all of us between about 4th and 8th.
If that's the case then there will definitely be some jockeying as we get to the end. April 1st can't come soon enough. Haha. I have probably spent 50% more time than usual on SN and am going to likely get around 20% less rewards. I don't want to make it about the rewards. It shouldn't be about that. That's not why I came to SN and why I spend so much time on the site but it feels off.
Looking at the list, there are some really good stackers that are only going to get a few thousand sats in rewards. I have to imagine that's a huge drop for some of them just so one person can get a million sats. I like the idea but I definitely think it needs some tweaks for next year.
kr mentioned that zapping has been up this month, so maybe that's balancing out the lower rewards for people. I hope it is.
Yes, hopefully that is the case. I also don't like the idea we aren't going to know who won. I respect your right to hide yourself but I don't think you should be eligible for the top 10.
I think we can have pretty high confidence that siggy won. On top of all his regular activity, he has by far the top post of the month.
I think so.