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90% of people would comply immediately
Where? Globally? Not a chance. Any country that makes such a move has just improved the immigration numbers for El Salvador (and a growing list of countries that respect human rights, including privacy).
yes, globally, like they did when they told the covid story. Also, research the covid mandates in El Salvador - you couldnt leave your fucking house. No clue why people think that El Salvador respects human rights.
Yeah, and in China there were cases were people have had their doors welded shut as a means to keep them in.
If Big Daddy gov wants to, it can take the air out of Bitcoin's tyres, but IMHO not without some immensely hard to back-up laws and moves on their citizens - All those efforts for a big "nothing burger" like Bitcoin?
I Doubt it.
IMHO They'll make some moves, but nothing quite strong enough to really make a dent - and suddenly it's too big to ban, pushing them to work with it, rather than against it.
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