These sort of questions are suited for high school and maybe year 1 of econ class in uni. It belongs to "art" side of economics, which teach students how each school of thoughts have on the theory side.
I can give you the answers for and against the 4 questions you listed, but they don't really mean much if the students are unable to move on from debate essay writing.
In general economics at university is very quantitive focused, for example, data analysis and prediction. These are very specialized and useful for career, especially data science. That also means Keynes, because he pretty much set the macro frame works. It does not however means the students are keysians by nature, like Austrian economists like Saifedean sometimes uses M2 money supply to discredit the current MMT policies.
On a side note, this episode of what bitcoin did is a great example of what is a good applied economist sound like, it isn't only about interpreting data, but also able to correlate and to some extend predict.
Most economists that focus on the "art" side only stops at interpreting data, I see Saifedean as one of them.