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Calling all stackers!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates stackers shared from all their latest work projects.
It's quite a busy week!
  • A ton of school assignments (unfortunately)
  • Weightlifting
  • Preparing for a programming competition
  • Soccer and basketball practice
  • Studying marketing because I want to start a business
Installing Linux on an old Thinkpad and working out how to use a Raspberry Pi to flash the bios and install coreboot firmware instead of whatever is on there. I'm going to run a Bitcoin node on there and use the machine as my sole access point for my cold wallet. Basically, trying to create a clean, open-source, no BS machine.
I've never used Linux before, so this is proving to be both challenging and rewarding.
Cool, I've used my Pi 3 like a VPS for working for some time.
Now I use it as a retrogaming console with Lakka.
Linux is really fun once you learn it!
Love those old thinkpads.
Catching up on some AI developments for work since the grind doesn't stop and planning out my spring garden for my balcony to balance out the crazy AI load!
Funny thing is you can’t post in AI territory because of the exorbitant posting fees
I posted in it a little earlier about the $665 million donation from Vatalik Buterin and its gained a whooping 32 sats... its also a solid pretty long piece
I read your article. I can't speak for anyone else, but here's my reaction:
It was a fine "newsy" writeup of the donation and surrounding context.
But that's not really what I'm here for.
I'll check out newsy links, but if somebody writes an article, I'm probably not going to read it unless it feels like it is going to be an interesting new take on the matter.
If you had made the headline about the seemingly anti-AI attitude of the nonprofit or the weirdness of donating that much Shiba Inu (I mean, how much can they sell without tanking the market?) I would have been more likely to click on it.
Finally, I was a little confused by the timeline in the piece. When did Vitalik make the donation? It seems like it was maybe back in 2021. If so, what's the new reason for writing about it now?
Keep trying though. Also: there's nothing wrong with posting in cheaper territories. It's a market.
Thank you for the constructive critique and not just dismissing it. I totally get people come here for different reasons and to read different things so that all makes sense to me. I do try to eliminate most of the bias in my writing especially my title as to not turn people off from reading but as you pointed out it also cuts the other way.
As for the funds I just saw that Vitalik just came out a couple of hours ago addressing this situation! For reference, I started writing this last night and finished up this morning before waiting to post it when more people tend to be active. He made the donation 2.5 years ago however given the price at the time, the general societal situation back then, and the nonprofit being so small not a lot of attention was paid to it. Now though because of the power that this tiny nonprofit has people are starting to talk. If you google this for instance the articles were almost all written within the last few hours.
For reference here is a Binance Square article that sums up the situation without going into much detail.
Thanks for the info! It is an interesting situation. I don't think it would have been adding bias to your post if you had added some of these details.
Also, it might have done better as a link item, with you adding your write up in the context field.
Maybe you need a post worthy of 900 as Natalia stated , zero useful advice, thanks for tautological advice
Hm... thats an interesting take from a couple of angles. Who else has written or seen anything about this charity? It isn't discussed in the media I only found out about it because I am on the hill and then looked into it. I would assume most people would be extremely interested in seeing who was pushing what policies in the industry since people honestly need to know what is going on. Throw in the the mix of something with immense crypto wealth and an industry leader influencing another industry I mentioned in the post that type of move a donation of that size to a nonprofit so small is highly unusual. Throw in the randomly odd high influence that this nonprofit has when it has just a couple dozen people... sounds pretty suspicious to me.
How that post is tautological aka repeating advice makes me a little confused if you know what you are saying since that is improper use of tautology. As your comment leaves the impression of being miffed this future strays from the proper usage of the word in the form you used it. Maybe you were going for tautological reasoning?
My mistake
I was being sarcastic
Of course you want to write something that will get you 900 points or more but you have no way of knowing a priori especially being new user
It’s like telling a comedian only use the funny jokes. Don’t use the unfunny jokes
Sorting through some eastern cedar (thuja occidentalis) sawlogs to process with my band saw mill and in turn finish up the first order for the side hustle
It might be a good idea to make the top bar sticky so it's always accessible, regardless of how far down you scroll.
You must not have looked very closely at the PR? :)
Think I’m gonna check out BuzzPay. 🐝
Right? Bullish.
Alby is just a next level type of bitcoin company, its unbelievable how talented that crew is.
Design updates and organising dev tickets 🎫 More admin UI fixes
I dedicated myself to maintaining and changing some things on my miners. 🧡
What did you change?
Adding video embeds to sn! We have YouTube right now but hopefully we have support for all the sites in the future!
Taking some steps toward destroying Russian, Saudi, and Chinese influence globally faster than bitcoinization will.
Instaling new server in office... BTC Node and Lightning network included :)
Launching a local Bitcoin community on Koh Samui, Thailand.
Trying to finish this art work
Just trying to stay on top of routine updates. Losing my mind
All sorts of fun opportunities disguised as problems this week. Requires all sorts of learning and research. Also ton of deliverables as well.
Reviewing my lightning liquidity.
Really want to get more people on peerswap. Spending only a few hundred sats for rebalances is magical.
Thanks for asking. This week is huge apart from the planning to establishing a solar powered mining farm which I have already discussed here #483148 Our non-profit organisation is going village to village for making people aware about solar energy. We have an objective of at least planting 100 rooftop solar panels for households. In every village where we go we plant 10 trees and and find someone from the village who adopts them. We are planting Neem this week.
I also run a school and it's the starting of new session here, so a lot of hiring and other related work including some maintenance is goin on.
In the start of the week we also enjoyed Holi,the festival of colours.
I'm working on finding new social media sites to post my coaching in digital marketing on. YouTube seams to be dying so I have to find something new. This was actually why I signed up to stacker.news but I don't think this is the right audience. The closest I see to digital marketing is bitcoin but to me it feels a little bit fishy. Especially when there recently been people calling my personal phone offering wallet recovery. I don't use bitcoin at all. One guy told me I had 200000 EUR in my wallet. Yeah right. I told them they could delete my wallet. LOL. Anyway I have this engine that constantly monitor internet and if there is any new social media platforms I will know about it. I think it is pretty cool. What do you think?
Working on the Spanish localization of Bitcoin Knots v26
I am collecting data regarding the pictured topic and becoming more used to Python plots. I'm quite a newbie here.
Oh that sounds pretty cool - update us when you're program is complete!
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