I believe that most people suffer from the inability to question authority and are susceptible to state-funded propaganda. This is especially the case among today's youth, which is extremely disappointing. I had absolutely no friends in my teenage years and early 20's because most people my age were new age Marxists at heart, who had never experienced a day of communism or repression in their lives. It always confused me why Maoists weren't equated to the Nazis on the "spectrum of evil". The whitewashing of socialism is truly evil.
Another factor I believe is "depression and anxiety". A majority of young people these days - my peers - find it fashionable to claim to be depressed or anxious. This is such a massive big-pharma psyop that is only now becoming mainstream. The "chemical imbalance" story of depression is absolutely falling apart. Plenty of friends of mine were medicated using depression meds from the time they were 5 years old. This has led to the creation of like-minded robots that are programmed to accept narratives. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/07/20/depression-not-caused-chemical-imbalance/
We live in a baffling world of dichotomies. When I talk to peers, I am absolutely devastated by the state of this world. When I talk to bitcoiners and scroll through SN, I am looking forward to having a family in the monetary renaissance ahead :)