Lessons you wished you were taught.
Finance as an example.
Words of wisdom such as (especially for your son headed into the age in which people are going to ask him what he wants to do with his life). 22ish is when they say your brain has matured and finished growing. 22. It's ok to not have your life figured out at 15-16-17-18. You can make mistakes and try different things. The last bit of the brain to develop? The prefrontal cortex, the bit responsible for planning, prioritising and decision making... You'll be alright kid.
Teach them to cook, and to experiment with flavours.
Above all teach them unsatisfiable, insatiable curiosity, so that they always want to learn something new.
All great stuff but you only have one sweep of your magic wand, which of these would you want to be the things all kids learned. Curiosity?
Nah, I think kids are naturally curious and it's society that beats it out of them. I think kids need to learn to stay curious in a world that wants you to not ask why and just be obedient.
So yeah, how to stay curious.