I won't write anything remotely reflective as this lol. The bad small in our house was from the cabbage and spare ribs in the pressure cooker 🤣🤣 (served up with tasteless lumpy mashed potatoes). Although, I was raised in England in a Irish/English blend of a house and, if I'm honest, my childhood was pretty fuckin miserable lol. Although, I view Irish people very similar to Brits in many ways. They love a good craic but the misery is just too much sometimes. There's cheerful people in there somewhere dying to break out and sometimes it does (usually when the sun shines and/or when they drink). The alcohol is the devil coping mechanism and a large percentage of my incredibly large Irish side of the family are dead from it (no joke!). I've only ever tasted the dark brown liquid once and never again 🤣🤣 I drank poteen in the kitchen as a teen that my (prematurely dead) uncle gave me. I don't mind Paddy's day but I don't drink to it and who the fuck is St Patrick anyhow??? really? I usually share some Irish music with my family and kids as I think it a lot of people with Irish heritage do. I rarely drink myself these days.
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I meant *smell (not small) typo