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Back to the old routine. It's actually 32F and 0 celsius out there. I figured it would be spring when I got back from vacation.
did you manage to lose the seeds? 😂
Yes. It was very sad. 😩 I thought I had nothing to worry about. I should have known. On our way back north from the caribbean, the weather got much worse. By dawn Saturday there were 50 mph winds and 15 foot seas. I went to have breakfast in the dining room. Service was slow because dishes, bottles, etc were broken. A worker must have not secured them. I went back to the cabin. My wife wanted to sleep late that morning, so I sat out on the balcony, sipping some coffee. I had my seeds with me, as always. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind rocked the ship toward starboard (the right side of the boat, to you landlubbers), where my cabin was. The hot coffee wound up in my lap. I yelled and instinctively reached down to protect myself from further burns, when the paper flew from my grasp and was swept under a small space between the floor of the balcony deck and the rail. I caught a slight fairwell glimpse of my future fortune as it disappeared under the waves.
ugh, damn, I'm really sorry for your lost. 😔😔 but you can always stack 'em back.
Okay, siggy officially lost his stash in a boating accident. 👀
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how many raccoons you've found partying in your house?
My daughter and her boyfriend were protecting the property. My daughter likes raccoons and allows them to do as they please, which means the garbage was not secured. They had a feast. None have breached the living quarters so far as I can tell, but I do hear some scurrying around in the attic. I must investigate.
starting today and next 2-3 days I will have snow !
Is that unusual in your region?
No, almost every year we have snow in March and even April. Even more than in Jan - Feb ! Are quite high mountains around and lots of deep valleys, so that's why the weather is quite unpredictable around. This ruins a bit my plan to go to my citadel early this year.
I had many times a thought about an event where, many prominent bitcoiners, traveling on a cruise-ship and the feds plotting to sink that ship. Like a repeated Titanic Bitcoin event :)
Based on this scenario... https://youtu.be/fAPYSeOGoD8
Good thing I was a minnow before the tragic accident.
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All good things must come to an end. It's already spring, but it's still so cold! It feels more like winter.
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Around here forsythia bloom early, so that's nice.
Jealous. Our poor forsythia is still barren.