If this post resonates, you're going to love the book called The Market For Liberty summarised here #288076.
There are many traps in the semantics of our language. 'Public schools' is a new one. Another is referring to government with a big G. As if deserving additional status / credibility / authority. Thankfully you avoided that trap here.
I also mentioned in my SN post about The Four Horseman documentary today (which annoyingly discusses an alternative substitute taxation system), that we do indeed live in a plutocracy not a democracy. From wikipedia:
A plutocracy (from Ancient Greek words 'wealth' & 'power') or plutarchy is a society that is ruled or controlled by people of great wealth or income.
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Zapped. Thanks for that recommendation, there seems to be also audio version of 6h+ for that book in YT as book is long, who is interested.