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As a software developer and entrepreneur, I am always looking for problems to solve and ways to solve them. Please use this post to air your frustrations, and hopefully, myself or someone else in the comments can brainstorm and come up with a solution for you!
Please keep it bitcoin related, or have a way that you could pay in bitcoin that is novel, and or not possible using traditional payment tech.
This is a very good question !
I would like to see a web place listing all users features requests for various bitcoin apps, or even developers PRs where people can vote / fund them with sats directly.
Like a direct crowdfunding PRs.
Do you want X new feature to be implement? Good, post your proposal, describe it well and put a bounty on it. Other users if they find it useful, will zap more sats. If a developer wants to do it, could claim it and when is done, will take the sats.
Fiatjaf had something like that and Blixt Wallet use it for a while.
In this way all open source software can be funded directly and users will have a voice too.
I love this. something like a PR bounty marketplace?
A recent thing I want:
a tool that mirrors github repo INCLUDING all metadata to a gitlab/gitea instance
I'm interested in being able to pivot all of SN's org tooling to something FOSS if I need to.
A user friendly way to gift cold storage Bitcoin and time lock some
Have you heard of open dimes?
No i haven’t
I highly recommend checking them out!
Cool thanks, will do!