As a techie Bitcoiner, I've always longed for a tool encompassing various utilities to interact with the Bitcoin ecosystem swiftly and directly. Picture this scenario: I'm working on my Mac, and suddenly, I want to know the current Bitcoin price. What do I do? Do I open Google search, or do I open Stacker News and observe the price, or perhaps other apps? And what if I want to know the latest block? Do I open mempool and check or connect to my Bitcoin node? And what if I want to know which nodes are the top ones in the Lightning network? Again, I might open mempool or amboss. What if I want to decode a raw transaction? What if I want to see the UTXO of an address? The point is, there isn't a single tool consolidating these utilities. That's why I've embarked on developing one. Currently, it's little more than a proof of concept, but I believe it holds value. I invite all technical Bitcoiners who share my vision to provide feedback and, perhaps, even become contributors! Thank you all.
this looks awesome!