Around a decade ago, shortly after my grandfather's death I was having dinner at a restaurant with my Aunt and Uncle who were in town visiting. We enjoyed some nice steak and too much wine. My uncle gave me a framed photo of my grandfather as a young man. It was the only copy of this specific photo and it had gone to my uncle but he wanted me to have it. After the dinner, my aunt and uncle headed back to their hotel and I went to meet a friend at a local bar for some more drinks, which became several more drinks. I took a taxi home and went to bed. The next morning I realized I had left the bag with the framed photo in the bar. I called them as soon as they opened and they said nothing had been turned in by their customers, staff or cleaning crew. At first I was angry, as I couldn't believe that someone wouldn't turn it in if they looked inside and saw it was just a framed photo but I had to accept it was my own drunken stupidity that caused me to forget it.
I was so ashamed and disappointed with myself. This incident coupled with a couple other incidents involving far too much drinking caused me to re-evaluate my lifestyle and soon after I quit drinking and I haven't had a drink since. I haven't had a drink in over 9.5 years.
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Sounds good that you haven't had a drink over almost 10 years . First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you. I suggest everyone not to drink too much that impacts your personal and professional live too.