I feel like it's the principle of the matter. I wouldn't like names exposed. As it is, the heuristics here expose privacy anyway. More accurately than chainalysis. I don't want to get all self righteous, but I played fiat games, score keeping and keeping up with the Joneses my whole life. I'm pretty old, and I'm sick of it. I will agree with you that content here has certainly improved, and that's a plus.
It's really tricky: some of what SN is doing (at least as far as I get it) is using money to moderate a public forum.
This should be awesome. Skin in the game, less spam, value for value, markets...it all works together to incentive interesting interactions and content.
But in order to do that, some of the information has to be visible so we can all make choices about what to read.
This inevitably creates privacy issues and keeping up with the Joneses effects.
March has put a fine point on it with MSM. It was easier to ignore under normal SN rules. But also has incentivized some interesting content and interactions.
All true. IMO, the tradeoffs have always been worth it, except for MSM. A line was crossed.
109 sats \ 1 reply \ @Scoresby 24 Mar
Yeah, I prefer the old SN.
I feel like making it explicit that I fully endorse people staying hidden, if that's what they want to do. Anything I say that seems to the contrary is just trash talk in the spirit of competition.
I agree that it kind of sucks that we can pretty accurately deduce how much people are making in rewards, when those people have expressed a desire to protect their privacy.
Maybe there could be a lower stakes contest with a leader board that is opt in and only a fraction of the rewards pool goes towards it.