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Assume that I like btc but I've been listening to btc podcasts for five years and have no need for further btc info, nor any of the topics that go hand-in-glove with it, like Austrian economics or Libertarianism or investing. I am well versed in all of that, so while I have it as background, I don't need more of it.
Given that disclaimer, what podcasts do you like and would you recommend to a person like me who shares (presumably) a great deal of context with you? Why?
(Note: podcasts don't need to require that shared context, but I mention it in case knowing this stuff is a dependency for some reason. I would be happy -- ecstatic in fact -- to get a rec for an art podcast, or literature, or agriculture, if it was something that you loved.)
Darknet Diaries! Fantastic show about all kinds of stuff, from cyberheists to pentesting to other crimes.
In the same vein, the two-season Lazarus Heist from the BBC is a deep dive into North Korea's assorted cybercrimes (including trying to plant employees at some crypto exchanges), and is riviting.
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History is an amazing deep dive (each episode can run 5-6 hours, and he released 2-4 episodes a year) into history from a non-historian's perspective.
And one I love that's a little lighter:
You Must Remember This: A look at classic Hollywood, ranging from the early days all the way to the '90s. Incredibly well-researched.
I did listen to both Darknet Diaries and Hardcore History for hours during the summer and autumn. Thank you for recommending both!
You're welcome! Glad you liked them!
I've listened to a number of DD and HH and love them, so I'm excited to check out the others you've recommended -- thank you!
Enjoy! I'm sure I'll think of a few others later!
💯 Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
I've been enjoying Linux Unplugged. It's nice to see a podcasting 2.0 show that integrates boosts, but isn't a bitcoin show.
Yep, Linux Unplugged is the best Linux show out there.
A good Linux pod would add to my life -- what do you like about this one?
For me it's their exploration of NixOS 😁
They've been doing this for over a decade, so they're quite knowledgeable. First half is news and projects they're working on, second half is interacting with the audience via boosts. End of each episode they have a "pick" which is a random Linux app or tool they discovered that may be useful.
And as the other poster said, they've been going deep on Nix, so it's great to hear how that is progressing.
A few more random ones:
Imaginary Worlds -- a show about SF, ranging from deep dives into specific books and TV shows, to common themes (personifications of Death in fantasy was one episode), to just about anything else.
Ear Hustle -- a show produced from inside San Quentin prison. One of those shows about a place we just don't get exposed to otherwise.
Criminal -- the only true crime podcast (not counting DD) I listen to. Each episode is a standalone, and Phoebe has the best voice in podcasting. Episodes range from awful crimes to historical cons to lighthearted (there's an annual one with crimes committed by animals).
Outside From the magazine of the same name. Not every episode's one I bother with, but they did a "science of survival" series that was amazing, dealing with everything from hypothermia to ingesting poison mushrooms.
Twenty Thousand Hertz. A show about sound. Covers everything from the sounds bugs make to how the Netflix stinger sound was developed and just about everything in between.
I love your weird eclecticism! On this list, I really enjoy Ear Hustle. The rest are new, and I look forward to checking them out.
I actually discovered Ear Hustle because it was on the same podcast network as Criminal! There's even kind of a crossover episode.
Honestly, other than bitcoin podcasts and sports podcasts I don't have any shows I listen to regularly. I might listen to Rogan or Lex Friedman once and awhile if I like the guest they have on or am interested in the subject of discussion in Lex's case. There are a few finance pods that aren't bitcoin centric that I listen to occasionally but again usually dependent on guest or subject.
Sorry, wish I had something better for you.
Which sports?
NFL and Baseball mostly but usually team specific not general ones. I listen to blue jays pods and 49ers pods mostly.
No worries -- maybe we'll both discover something in these comments :)
Yes, that would be great.
Radiolab is a great podcast. Each episode covers a completely different realm of life that makes it hard to classify. If you are curious about fascinating things you have little to no idea about, try it out. After just a couple of episodes you will be hungry for more. Here is just one example of a mind-blowing episode, the Interstitium, revealing an entirely new system discovered in our bodies 15 years ago in the West, but known for centuries in the East:
Radiolab is great!
Oh yeah -- I feel like Radiolab, along with 99% Invisible and Stuff You Should Know, is one of those cornerstones of "cool information" podcasting.
Unfortunately, I am not that into art/lit/ag podcasts, but occasionally some of those topics are discussed on episodes of Stuff You Should Know. Given you are likely interested in learning about a bunch of random stuff, like many others here.
Stuff You Should Know (SYSK) - not every topic I am interested in, but they often cover some cool things and are good for an hour or so of educational content. Also they aren't always timely, so you can go back and listen to old episodes instead of only newly released ones.
Beyond that, excluding Bitcoin/Econ podcasts, I occasionally listen to True Crime/Comedy podcasts like Small Town Murder and Crime in Sports which are both hosted by comedians. May not be for everyone to laugh at haha.
I often disagree with the hosts but they do an excellent job of pointing out patterns of influence in media and they do it in an entertaining way. Over the years I have learned to see the patterns in media, politics, and marketing largely due to listening to this show. At this point I listen more for entertainment value.
I found this during Covid and there are few podcasts from which I have learned more. This isn't prepper porn or the typical stupid prepper stuff you see on TV. Solid practical advice that is useful for your everyday life or in when the world starts to fall apart. All from a smart and no-nonsense host. He talks about bitcoin and economics but those are just a part of his whole preparedness approach.
218 sats \ 1 reply \ @xz 25 Mar 2024
In case not currently on your radar TOKYO CITADEL BUILDERS
Really enjoy and learn from the conversations. There's a great balance or synergy between the two hosts. Tends to be a focus of topics around but not really central to Bitcoin, in depth and 360 degrees in the breadth of analysis.
I like this one quite a bit, though I listen irregularly. My favorite part is that you're getting all kinds of interesting btc stuff, but quite indirectly in many cases, and learning a lot of stuff about Japan, too.
It's an illustration of a general idea, I think: if you have smart people engaging with something consequential, what you really have is really about The World at large, regardless of whether it's ostensibly about professional wrestling, or horticulture, or the history of the automobile.
I listened to this 20 Minute VC podcast today with the former CTO/VPE of Shopify/Atlassian. (Learned a ton of very straightforward things so I'm thinking of giving Jean's book a try.1234)
I land on 20VC a couple times a year because they have a guest I'm curious about and Harry is a great interviewer despite how obnoxious he is as a nouveau-VC.


  1. His interview advice: figure out what they actually want to do, have them teach it to you, have them explain how they did the hardest things they've ever done
  2. His management advice: alignment >> autonomy > process
  3. His networking advice: talk to one new person a week that you think is really interesting.
  4. He writes 80% of his code with this AI editor
The Professor Penn podcast
Great insights about American history and party politics .
I was hoping to find a politics podcast someplace -- I, like all sane people, hate politics, but unlike many here, recognize the power of understanding it. I'll check it out.
Bitcoin is political
Everything is political. Most btc pods fail badly at being more than the usual btc talking points and choir-preaching. That's not useful to me.
Yeah I’m starting to dial back my podcast listening.
People forget that bitcoin is just software it’s people that make it worth anything.
Yes! And therefore, understanding more about people is the key to understanding ow to help btc succeed, and the circumstances in which it can and can't.
I'm really enjoying Forum Borealis (variety of topics, 1-on-1 discussions with experts in various intriguing topics) https://www.forumborealis.net/
Also, Self-Hosted (tech show) https://selfhosted.show/
Never heard of either of these, thank you!
  • The 404 Media Podcast
  • Macro Voiced
  • How to Fix the Internet
  • Hidden Forces
  • Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons
Can recommend the following: Search Engine - random questions being answered in thoughtful and sometimes insightful ways My First Million - Business ideas and trends in a fun format How to take over the World - a look at individuals that have achieved greatness Wolf 359 - if you're into audiobooks, a space faring adventure with great audio and lots of humour
Last podcast on the left.
The All In Podcast, it’s the only one I really listen to
Appreciate the rec. I know it's popular, and I've attempted to listen to this a few times, but honestly can't fathom the value people find in it. Seems like a bunch of self-congratulatory douchebags giving smarmy hot takes on stuff. What makes this worthy of being the only one you listen to?
i think Chamath, Friedberg, and Sacks all have great takes on tech, Chamath specifically often shares non-obvious ideas that make me stop and think
Mere Mortals Book Review
Grand Theft World is awesome also. Current events with a historical perspective. Grandtheftworld.com
I really enjoy the Tim Dillon Show. Just remember it's comedy. Kinda like what late night TV was before becoming over political, imo.
Huberman Lab Podcast for sure Also Welcome To Night Vale for some dark, twisted comedy
I used to listen this Anime podcast which they break down bit by bit every episode, tackled every topic and relevant scene from that episodes.. And some music podcast.
As of late I listen to the Huberman Podcast frequently as well as the Whoop Podcast. Both podcasts focus primarily on improving health, but the Huberman Podcast dives deep into the science of health and human physiology.
You would really love us at "(EA) Eternal Affairs TRUTH Radio" Our main website, online for 14 years is: https://EternalAffairsMedia.com 😍 Let me know what you think.
The changelog, may be. Or, the Developer Tea.
Strangely enough I am listening a history podcast besides bitcoin and related stuff. I don’t know why it’s relaxing and refreshing - i have never had any passion for history, not at all at school.
I listen to "the Animal society" ! it's an italian mouvment of good guys that can teach something to others. I actually love their silly clips and they can remain serious as well. they talk about a lot of "taboo" argouments with a nice point of view. Go check it guys!
All the other podcasts I listen to are sports related.
The Wild Project 👀
Not in order of preference...
The investors podcast! Years of great info on those most successful