It would be a monetary policy near-death experience for many liquidity and debt junkies in the fiat paradise: a Federal Reserve that keeps its key interest rate stable despite all the fiscal interest burdens in the US (personally, I would laugh my ass off if it even raised interest rates while Christine Lagarde has to open the fiat floodgates and send the euro packing). Fed President Bostic of the Atlanta branch of stable Cantillon redistribution policy sees only one rate cut this year, unlike the bond market, which expects at least three cuts. The Fed is clearly ahead in the chicken game given the economic chaos that the Eurocommies and eco-socialists are wreaking on the old continent. Whoever moves first loses!
I'm not in the business of predicting what the fed's going to do, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did unexpectedly raise rates. There seems to be a lot of concern about how persistently high price inflation has been.
Oh how I would love to see this shitshow. And the Eurocommies freaking out