In the wild west, you are scared shitless of someone taking your car's keys because, if they drive away with them, you're pretty much done. In our reality, you don't care that much, because no thief is going to go happily driving around your car for long, for he will soon enough interact with some entity that will quickly raise a red flag once it realizes this guy doesn't appear in the proper database as the owner.
Bitcoin is exactly that wild west of money, and that's its whole point and what makes it great. I'm sure you've heard the word "keys" in a context other than cars.
It looks like fiat possesses the properties you cherish, with the central bank's "proper database".
Some wise fellow ancap is probably sitting on the edge of his chair, ready to to type: "well, yeah, but there's no reason the private sector can't provide all of this and, in fact, do it much better than the state". I fully agree with that. Theoretically, it can deliver all of this, and I concur it would probably do it much better than our current structures. But you know what? I see absolutely nothing around me. Nothing. Zero. Not even a seed of any of this. If the state would stop providing these services, tomorrow, we wouldn't even have a toy version of any of this.
How about: we don't have any of this, because we have a state, with its monopoly, regulations and theft?
We don't have many private roads, because the state is suppressing demand (and consequently, supply) for them by building public ones with extorted money. It's not that people don't want roads, so the state has to build them, or else there wouldn't be any.