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What would it be?
I think my advice would be to invest in yourself and find out what that means for you.
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Here was my first answer, which I now withdraw:
Pick something on purpose, focus on it, and have a tangible output in a finite time.
Here is my official answer:
Talk to lots of different kinds of people from every place and all walks of life, and think about what they say.
Talk to lots of different kinds of people from every place and all walks of life, and think about what they say.
I like this so much. It doesn't suffer the myopia of a single piece of advice because it implies gathering lots of advice, but it isn't even prescribing advice seeking.
It reminds me of two things. The founders of Stripe would spend their summers as kids interning and exploring different careers (I can't remember where I read this it was so long ago and it looks like it's lost to google). Two, some of the most fearless people I've met changed schools or had geographic moves growing up.
I didn't even consider that the people you talked to would be in service of advice-gathering, although I suppose it would count as that, implicitly. More that for almost everyone I know, including myself, real honest-to-god experience of other human beings in diverse circumstances is the scarcest thing in the modern world, and maybe the biggest point of leverage.
Do self discovery. Find out who you are. Be authentic to yourself
Show up for stuff.
People miss out on so many opportunities that are just sitting there.
think for yourself, and always be independent.
Most of the suffering people experience stems from an inflated sense of self-importance—that the world revolves around them to one degree or another.
The narcissist believes, "I am perfect"; the depressed person believes, "I am useless"; the people-pleaser believes, "I am not good enough." What ties these disparate psychological dysfunctions together is an obsession with the ego.
In terms of actionable advice? I'd say that recognising this tendancy in yourself and others is already quite powerful. Maybe reflect once in a while about what "you" even are.
Read old books
The best leadership advice I received was: always come prepared with a song, a dance n a speech just in case you get thrust into the spotlight.
Yes, I sing horribly, dance funnily and talk awkwardly haha
It's important to know how your mind works and what are its tendencies good and bad. Meditation is the best way to get to that understanding for yourself. Try 15 minutes a day for a month, troubleshooting any problems you have trying to do it and see for yourself if it was worth it.
Read the great books.
Eat less unhealthy stuff, and do more sports.
don't give up
Enjoy every sandwich. -Warren Zevon
Be patient.
You only live once! Take risks, get out of you comfort zone as that’s where greatness is! Travel you’ll never regret it!
Read books regularly every day.
Don't let fear hold you back
Know thyself and lead from the heart
Never stop asking questions until you get an answer that satisfies you, don’t trust, verify for yourself.
Ask yourself what do you desire? Don't look at others, concentrate on yourself, educate yourself and decide what YOU want. not the trends, fashions or what friends or family tells you. You decide.
Sorry can't do one. I have posted this before but here is my life advice:
Be active. Be curious. Work hard. Take care of your family. Control what you can and don't sweat that which you can't. Be humble and stack sats.
You can take the one you want out of these.
Study the Asch and Milgram experiments (on conformity and obedience). All the other advices given here, follow naturally from there.
Don't worry be Happy
Don't waste your time on coffins today
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Love Yourself!!
Why? First because I think that human beings have not been loving themselves so passionately as they used to. Second becose that's the one general piece of advice that applies to everyone. Third because I'd everyone starts loving himself, the world will again be a place with full of joys. We won't be requiring any type of gun powder let alone the nukes. We will celebrate our every moment. The joys of past will return and refund the old order where everyone loves everyone.
Be humble. Since there's only one asked for, it's the only one that encompasses many things and can apply to everyone.
Buy Bitcoin, stack sats and stay humble
N’est pas fouiner dans la vie des autres plutôt se concentrer a ce qui est important pour sa vie
those who teach can't do.
and - go get some monero while its cheap. the privacy narrative will be coming...
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