Zapathon is peanuts. Did you saw what SN is preparing? This is STACKATHON !
@k00b I name it first: is Stackathon (or Stack a ton of sats) for the next month.
101 sats \ 0 replies \ @QW OP 22 Mar
@k00b I shot you a DM on Nostr. Invite to be a guest on PCR sometime. Talk about SN and the Stackathon.
101 sats \ 5 replies \ @QW OP 22 Mar
What is that?
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @QW OP 22 Mar
I see, it's a stacking competition for seasoned SN vets. Gamifying is where it's at.
In regards to Zapathon being peanuts it was never meant to stack but yet a tool to gamify a stress test which has been superb.
The more games the better IMO!
122 sats \ 1 reply \ @QW OP 22 Mar
Zapathon... where wallets crumble from a thousand lightning peanuts. I'm ok with that! :)
I love zapathon. These two things aren't related. Expect they both use Bitcoin and help people connect.