Moore’s Law is not a law of nature, but an observation of a long-term trend in how technology is changing.
Original graph by Moore:
And where we stand now, simply unbelievable:
Bonus charts:
178 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 22 Mar
I've always wondered if this is self-prophecy or not. It was early enough he might've been able to draw other conclusions.
Indeed. If I read the original plot well, Moore made this claim based on four, five(!) points!
Shouldn't we expect it to be more difficult to fold in the future?
I am not a tech expert, so perhaps someone more competent can comment. I googled this a bit and Moore’s law was called invalid already years ago. But the data in the chart go over 50, 60 years, still look ok to me.
Great set of charts! Thanks for posting. When modern methods reach their physical limit, some new breakthrough method comes along and keeps this going. It really is astounding that Moore's Law has held up this long.
This is amazing and scary at the same time. I love the innovation and growth, but prices should be down more. Broken money..
I think it’s closer to 18 months now
Muh chain haz smol block Node run on toaster Poors cannot afford
Who invented the transistor? Shockley Bardeen Brattain
1956 Nobel Prize physics