This is Chapter 47 of Who Brought the Steak Tartare?, you may want to go back to Chapter 46 or start at the beginning.


Franklin’s door remained shut, and no further sound came from within. Back pushed Greenstockings’ body toward Flinders’ chamber, thinking to store her there until he had dealt with Franklin. He enjoyed the thought of filling the chamber with the bodies, like a pantry. He went back to the corridor and collected Richards’ body, placing it, too, in Flinders’ chamber. The small space was quite full, now.
As he was about to leave he was stopped by the sight of a bit of bright cloth, sticking out of one of the body bags. The bags containing Lu and Akaitcho’s remains had been sealed to keep the bodies from decomposing. Back suddenly had a horrid vision of putrid flesh and wasted food. He darted over to the bag. Sure enough, it was partially open. He pulled it all the way open, expecting a stench.
It was filled with clothing. Back pulled the clothes out. There weren’t many, just enough to make it look like the bag still contained a body. He found bones: licked clean, even cracked open to get at the marrow. Back went to the other bag, and feverishly tore it open. It was exactly the same. Staring in disbelief at the clothing in his hands, he recognized one of Franklin’s shirts.
Chapter 48 tomorrow, same time, same place.