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Stackers seem to be incredibly well put together. You abstain from alcohol and coffee, go for walks to jog your creative juices, do 100 push-ups/pull-ups every day, and make sure that you have enough sleep. It seems that many of you have developed great solid habits to cope with life’s challenges.
But is there another side of the coin? Beneath the high-functional facade that you portray, you still can’t get shit done sometimes? You know, giving in to doomscrolling and lepaking, feeling the need to decompress and recalibrate.
Are you always highly disciplined and are untouched by procrastination? If you are human like the rest of us, what do you usually procrastinate about?
lepak is a Malay word accepted into the Oxford language. It means to chill 😎
I can beat procrastination with medication
Are you concerned that you would be reliant on medication though? Sorry if I sound intrusive
It is a concern for me
I probably rely on it too much
what do you take?
Anti anxiety medication like Valium and clonazepam
The source of procrastination is anxiety usually
I had a bad addiction to that along with really bad alcohol problem for about 2 decades. long story. anyway, it was bad and God delivered me. I thank Him every day.
Nope. I procrastinate to the point where I know only near perfect execution will suffice. And then I execute! 😎
Sounds like THE PLAN! lol
Guess we can expect a last burst of fire from you during the last week of MSM xP
Nah, I've been going pretty hard, I thought. 🤣
Lol, this is a life hack I’ve been doing without realizing!
Dude, I am the worst. Although I would say, I'm more distracted than a procrastinator.
I can't hold a thought down before moving on to another, and I start one thing and don't finish it, then move on to another idea.
Eventually, I get to a point where I am fucked if I don't complete this one crucial thing and then I panic and just get it done.
I don't think I'm alone; I imagine a lot of people are like this.
Oh I relate to you. I think I get bored easily, so 1-3 hours is the maximum I can work on a task in a given day. Then I must switch to something else, even if doing so incurs cognitive switching costs
making a note to read this later
You are procrastinating lol
I have a few topics where I procrastinate long enough to be desperate about...
Are you stressed about it or the kind who functions best under time constraints n huge pressure?
Welp, I also don't abstain from alcohol and coffee, so I guess my procrastination is the same side of the coin. :-)
But yeah, I find myself often "lifehacking" around it, because succumbing to procrastination sucks. So I set two alarms, or multiple remainders in different apps, or whatever else I can do to make sure I can't beat myself. It's worse when I'm at my desk, where I have to force myself to actively close a bunch of tabs (including, um, seven SN ones right now).
And to be fair, I am an avid walker, and the nice thing about that is that if you walk with a purpose (three mile walk to town), it's hard to forget those errands you're walking towards.
I love walking too. I clock 10k steps easily almost every day.
Why do you need 7 tabs for SN? 😝
I see a bunch of cool posts on the front page, and I right-click to open them all to read (along with the dozens of other things in tabs I want to get to). :-)
Do you really think there are human beings that can be "untouched by procrastination?
No, but I believe that procrastination can be reduced with planning. Take for instance my plan to post one more time after I reply you haha
I believe that procrastination can be reduced with planning
I agree 100%.
sad to say some people are so lazy even a life or death situation won't motivate them. it will only kill them. our ancestors were not lazy by nature. they had to hunt, etc. to eat. and survive. our society, education system, culture, etct has made people lazy
Feeling lazy all the time is one thing, procrastinating occasionally is another thing. Some sort of procrastination is normal in life, I think.
I don't usually procrastinate much as I've gotten so used to my habits, but it's true that sometimes I just need a break and procrastinate :)
Do you examine your habits and try to better them or you just operate on autopilot?
I usually analyze them from time to time, but there are also times when I just act on autopilot
No not! Actually I am always in touch of procrastination. 😜 But yes, I have some habits like waking up late in the morning, going to bed late at night, eating way too much of fast food, watching too much of movies and sports and remaining in my way of lepaking, everyday running 2 miles with my dog, doing half an hour of yoga, reading some exceptional book one hour with highly nutritious breakfast and of course I'm diligent in whatever I do. I taste the life for its fullest. I enjoy my lepaking time.
Very cool to see how you use lepak in your response
Lepaking is an art. Isn't it? 😜 I am a lepaking artist.
I do love to procrastinate on some tasks, but I'm not a slave to it.
Checking out your position on the leaderboard isn’t one of them, I presume 😉

TOP 10 🤠

Every Sunday, I reveal my position! I'll do it again tomorrow, so don't miss the next episode - we won't either!
I recall reading something about how procrastination actually increases output quality, as long as you give yourself enough time to finish the task.
People are lazy by nature, for why would you spent energy on unnecessary- or un important tasks?
I am lazy, I am active, I'm an absolute unit of productivity at times and then there are days that I'm close to dehydration because of the endless fapping-sessions I indulge in; I truly am the whole package.
No I love procrastinating.
Stackers seem to be incredibly well put together. You abstain from alcohol AND COFFEE...
The rest I'll give you, but not the ☕️
not the coffee baby 😆
I am the embodiment of raw and pure procrastination.
I'm actually 100% BOTH. depends on if its a task I enjoy or not :D I run multiple online businesses and am a huge hustler when it comes to gettin sh*t done, but if some tasks I will put off and put off and put off 🤣
I know this is heretical but I don't think there's anything special about bitcoiners other than being lucky to understand bitcoin earlier than others. We're still incredibly flawed chimps deep down.