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Tip of the month (April) - make your own detox refresh

We are about to enter into month of April, the month of flowers and green. So, depending on your geographical region, there's an amazing arbutus plant named Elderberry or Sambucus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sambucus
So I recommend you to make your own delicious refreshment with the flowers of this plant. It's easy and is a natural detox for your liver, blood and heavy metals.
In April - May, the white flowers of this arbust are easy to find and collect. Collect them with the entire corona. Then put them on a paper into the sun to dry fro 2-3 days. Keep them in paper bags later in a dry environment.
  • take a big crystal carafe/ bowl, like 5-8L, depending on how much drink you want to make.
  • put a good hand of dried flowers on the bottom of the bowl / carafe
  • add 600-750g of sugar, or honey. For 8L of water, max 750g sugar. Depending on how sweet you want it.
  • add 4 lemons, in slices
  • add 10g of fresh yeast
  • some mint leaves
  • 8L of water
Then leave that recipient into the sun, 3-4 days, moving the content every day, to help the yeast to make its magic. Taste it every day to see if is needed more sugar or lemons, as you feel comfortable. If is too sweet, just add more water.
after 3-4 days, depending on the sunny days and temperature around 20-25C, you will notice the bubbles.
Then filter the juice out from the ingredients and put it in bottles into the fridge. Do not move it 24h. After 24h, if you see a lot of yeast at the bottom of bottle, slowly filter it out into another bottle. Then put it back into the fridge for another 24h.
Now you have an excellent healthy refreshment for your entire spring and summer. Thank me later.
I never thought this would happenπŸ‘
My elderberry consumption normally comes in a less healthy form that's not helpful for my liver, but we planted some last fall, so I'm going to have to try this.
(To be fair to our hard liquor cabinet, we also have elderberry tea around the house.)
wow how much alc have that liquor? Yes, from the fruits also can be made wine and liquors.
It's 40 proof/20% alcohol by volume, which isn't a ton for hard alcohol (vodka tends to have double that), but definitely a lot more than most wines and beers.
I just put like 30 flower bunches in water with some lemon slices and sugar for some days to make an elder flower juice concentrate. It's the perfect taste of childhood.
REMINDER: look for the ones that are like trees, NOT bushes. The bushes ones are not good.
This is the flower
this is a very common drink where I live, tasty, resfreshing and healthy.
And now is the time to prepare it. Coming out from winter, detoxing your body and prepare it for a long summer.
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Darth Coin Cookbook
when more tips and tricks in cooking? I want to read the same style as the Bitcoin guide haha πŸ˜‚ @DarthCoin
and for shitcoiners will be only poisonous recipes πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚