Well, there are no prominent Bitcoin leaders / thought leaders from China. There are also no prominent Books translated from Chinese, big Twitter accounts or BIPs.
But maybe lots of Chinese people are secretly stacking. Not unlikely to keep a low profile in this country. But maybe not enough for a BILLION people compared to the Anglosphere, the German speaking world, the Francosphere, Africa, India, South America etc.
We don't get to see much of what china does online. Twitter is blocked in China, BTW. Ever heard of the Great Firewall?
Just saying that holding majority hashrate for a decade is certainly a sign. Also Bitmain is still based in China. I think the people there are embracing BTC more than you give credit.
They use BTC in different ways that we might not recognize. For example, seed phrases are less popular because of the English words in BIP 39. Chinese private keys are more likely to be represented as numbers.
Someone in the English speaking BTC space should totally do a travel-documentary on this.
china has more "english speakers" than the united states.
not sure there's anything keeping them from writing books in english and publishing them as anons... but it's surely a hazard to publish a book in mandarin, when the only country speaking mandarin is actively, blatantly authoritarian and violent