This would've done well in the announcement's comment thread. No judgement, but trying to figure out how to address this use case.
Is the concern, low visibility?
Sorry. This speculation / more out there ideas are kind of spam in the other thread, don't you think so?
Also not as Clickbaity to be really honest, I have to admit.
My personal favorite solution would be to create Mega-threads with several posts in them. But that would be additional effort UI wise.
To me, this seems more noisy as a post, than a comment.
Do you have examples of a mega-thread?
Doesn't this post as a comment in that thread make it a mega-thread?
I can't tell you for sure how it works in Reddit but to my understandinging I (or the moderators of a subreddit? idk) would be able to "pin" my post to another post. This would make my post disappear from the frontpage & recent. The other post gets an "x other discussions" tab with a table of other posts. Here is an example from Reddit where it says "3 other discussions".
Idk, I haven't thought this through. Maybe the UI would be to chaotic for the current simplicity of SN. But something along those line could help to clean up.
Maybe you need to ask more people what they think next time this happens because frankly, my opinion on stuff like that is irrelevant, I have no expertise in UX design.