pull down to refresh

I imagine there are copies maintained on other repositories other than Github?
Every time someone clones the repo, it becomes a standalone complete copy of all the code and its history, and you can keep it up to date by fetching regularly (I alone have two copies because I run two nodes and I build them from source). Git is like Bitcoin in that regard.
Yeah, my question is a bit weird on second thought. I also had cloned it locally at some point. It would be trivial to use Gitlab or any other version control service if Github ever decides to review its policies...
There are also open source alternatives like Gitea. But a centralized service isn't even needed. Git was designed from ground up to allow pulling peer-to-peer, it's just less convenient.
I see. I think i even remember someone working on a NOSTR variant, but that's maybe a false memory. Anyhow :)
EDIT: indeed, there is... https://github.com/NostrGit/NostrGit (last mod 1 year ago though)