Thank you for updating. I've had enough friends go through treatments to get the good/bad week thing. I'm also really glad to know folks set up a meal train. We were part of one for a friend who lost both her parents in a very short time, and I know how helpful those can be.
As things progressed from the bad days into better days, I found that I was really tightly wound and wasting a lot of time, looking at Nostr, actually just staring at my phone for no reason, feeling a bit lost - there is so much to do and yet it feels easier to not do anything than to do 1 thing in an endless list. This feels okay to a point, I do need to relax my brain, find outlets so I am not just working or dealing with household upkeep.
I'm sure you know this intellectually, but the caretaker getting self-care is incredibly important! You need downtime, and while both THC and screaming both may help (and it sounds like the former is particularly helpful with the kids), non-productive vegging is totally valid as well, if it works. Find a game, a light read, whatever, and during times when you're not actively caretaking, let your brain have some downtime without feeling guilt. Always having something to do is good short-term, but burnout can be awful.
You and your family remain in my thoughts. Wishing you the best.