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Can confirm. I also saw the post and thought it was cool.
Is she a full on ancap? Maybe she just thinks IP laws are nonsense.
IP laws have been functionally killed by the Internet. Just as gun laws have been. Information wants to be free. Its not even a philosophical question. Its just a matter of acceptance. They were always bull shit logically. They are really just a pretext to persecute people when the state or corporations decide they want to do so. One need not be an ancap to realize this but ancaps should get it. Stephan Kinsella's book "Against Intellectual Property" was the last nail in the coffin for me. I was already skeptical of IP but his book really closed all the loops for me.
That's fair. Even a minarchist could understand this. :)
LOL, yeah for real. I was a minarchist for a few weeks once.
I don't think she's full ancap, but given her position in various wealth management firms (and presumably association with people who make money off IP), I could also see her not talking about it if she were.
I don't know if you can deduce much from someone's profession. The biggest IP opponent is Stephan Kinsella and he's a practicing patent attorney.