Bitcoiner freelance seems good at first sight. What about plebwork? Does it have lots of gigs about non- technical work?
Plebwork I see lots of "plebs" aka people seeking, but I don't see many offers... So I guess the seekers are at the mercy of people coming to the site and stumbling upon them.
Yes, I created an account there and soon realized that it doesn't have may offers and never visited again. If these freelance sites won't have seekers, I am afraid they can't be successful.
I ABSOLUTELY agree. But it's a bit of a chicken and egg thing. My take is, go ahead and put yourself on there anyways. But obviously don't rely on it. But by putting yourself on there you populate it and make it more attractive to seekers who need yours or others services.
You are absolutely right, @Coinsreporter! We are working on inviting more clients to post jobs. We just got started and can do much better.