How great that your parents decided to give you a free education and even better that they allowed you to choose study topics of your interest, there is nothing better than researching, learning and educating yourself about subjects that you like, you could say that they gave you a study plan successful, they are an inspiration for me, that is precisely the way I want my daughter to receive an education. At this moment we are going with basic things due to her age, in the same way we have a notebook where we write down the doubts and questions that she has about any topic, she is at a very curious age and asks a lot of questions, so we are constantly doing small investigations of different scopes. I love that in Canada they are quite flexible with education, in Latin America it is practically mandatory (legally) to attend a formal school. Thank you for your contribution, it is very valuable.
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Do you have plans to move to North America?
Right now USA border is wide open. No visa, no documents necessary. In fact undocumented get priority treatment
Download the border patrol app for foreigners
If Texas is closed go to Arizona or California
At the moment we don't have it as an option, there are other places that catch our attention, in fact I would like to be a nomad for a while, but I need to finish some procedures. Now going without a visa and disqualification scares me and more because I am with my daughter, it is not a risk I want to take, if I choose to go there it would be with all the documents in order, being an immigrant is already hard to add the weight of being illegal.
You are a good person.
America needs immigrants like you instead of the idiots and thugs contaminating the country.
Let me know or post on SN if you have immigration questions etc.
I would recommend Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ over USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ today
What is the richest country in South America? Chile πŸ‡¨πŸ‡±?
Thank you. A few years ago Chile was an option for me, but then I gave up, plus now I also need a visa to enter there, thanks to the criminals and thugs of my compatriots πŸ™„. Another thing that discourages me in Chile is that for a few years now, there are some ignorant idiots who wish and pray for the left to dominate them, crime has increased considerably, at the moment there are several factors that no longer encourage me, I am still very upset. so much about what happens there because I have acquaintances and family in Chile. They are staining South America red (communism), people are stupid.