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When I started working in mining for Kaboomracks a few years ago, I had no experience in the industry. I had followed Bitcoin closely for years, and wanted to work more closely on things that I was passionate about. I had been going to college, but dropped out when they locked things down and closed the classrooms.
I got a chance to start turning screwdrivers on S9s for almost no money a couple days a week. That lasted for a few months of me driving a couple hours to a different city and sleeping in my car. I really enjoyed the work and quickly picked up more responsibilities around the company including a marketing position which allowed me to work from home as well as the couple days in the office.
From there, I eventually transitioned into a full time sales roll. It was a fun progression, and I think it was really helpful for my current role to have spent so much time working in the warehouse on these computers that I now sell.
A lot of people want to start working in the industry which is exciting. Bitcoin related companies are starting to make some money again as the market turns around, and are hiring again. It's a difficult time to get a job in the mining industry due to the proximity of the halving. After the halving, when mining profitability is likely to increase, it may be a better to get employment.
Finding a job in the industry is similar to knowing when to buy miners. You want to buy miners right at the start of the bull market. Getting hired in the peak of the bull is fun, but if you get hired at the top, you're likely to get cut in the bear market just to the insanely brutal economics of this industry.
A lot of jobs in the industry are software developers, etc. If you don't have a skillset like that, you can try to develop one or you can put effort into skills that come naturally to you. For me, I've done a lot of writing as well as video, graphic design, and some web based stuff. All of those directly translated into what I do today.
Getting your foot in the door at a company you think you would like to work for, in this industry is great way to try and get the job you want from what I've seen. It's a super small industry and is about to explode in size when the bull really takes off, which means there will be ample opportunity for upward movement within many companies.
There are definite perks of working in the industry, but there are also definite perks of working outside of it. Individuals should not discount a good paying fiat job, and the freedom being able to secure a ton of Bitcoin could allow you.
To summarize, I stumbled into to what I do and really enjoy it. Having a real interest in Bitcoin definitely helped me secure the job.
I'm glad you did enter the industry, and I'm glad to call you my friend.
This is a great piece!! cc @meshtadel
What a great story! Always cool seeing you, bring back your pod!
I'd rather post here than do a podcast again. There's too many Bitcoin podcasts and they are about to 10x with the bull market
true! but toxic airwaves was hilarious
Thanks for sharing. And you are right, there are tradeoffs to working in bitcoin and in fiat. Important to not kid ourselves. Grass is always greener on the other side from where you are.
A lot of people take a pay cut to work in anything Bitcoin related. There's not a ton of money here yet, but the industry is growing quickly.
I imagine this is a very person decision. Most people could make decisions to make more money but they do not. Money is not the only motivator for most of us. It is to a certain point but it isn't ultimate for many.
Two big motivators for me:
  1. I need to do stuff that's interesting to me.
  2. I want to do stuff that's meaningful.
That's great. I share those motivators.
I learned years ago that your career or job can be those things but it doesn't have to be. It can enable you to do those things. It can be the fuel if you will.
I will die before I work a boring job like the guys from Office Space
Life is a journey, not a destination! Great story, keep grinding!
Thank you for the share. It's interesting to think about how timing a Bitcoin job is like timing purchasing miners or the markets in general.
Hey, you helped me buy a miner! Thanks Kaboomracks.
Hash board died... fuckin chinese shit...
I have a board down on my S19 J Pro I bought for $10k in the last bull lol