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Look at your phone now.
Post your oldest photo. Write a short explanation why you still keep it on your phone.
If your phone contains personally identifiable info n you don’t wanna doxx yourself, then just post the oldest photo that doesn’t betray your privacy.
This is my first bounty.
Today’s Saloon has just opened 5 mins ago. The best comment as voted by the "top" filter **one week later (Mar 26) - coinciding with the opening of the Saloon - gets 1000 sats.
Have fun! 🤩
1,000 sats paid 2 times
this territory is moderated
cryotosensei's bounties
Which tan line do you have haha
Ha, I have a computer programming degree! I'm a scrum master. I work remote and run everyday over lunch!
What a coincidence. I need to do a sharing on the Scrum framework later. Any particular thing that you think I should highlight? TIA
Cool, this is great! The only thing I’d adjust is the word “intensely” the goal of Scrum and sprints is to work at a sustainable pace to not burn out. I’d replace that work with “focused” as a scrum master should try to reduce work in progress (wip) for their team members! Hope all goes well!
2019 - watching the Toronto Raptors during their finals run
Yeah, as you can tell I'm quite young :)
Kawhi was a monster in that series against the Bucks. I won't forget that exclamation mark dunk on Giannis in the 4th quarter of game 6. That year and that run was pretty awesome!
I remember that dunk! Probably his 2nd-best highlight of the entire run. First place goes to his game 7 shot against the 76ers of course!
2019 seems like it was just 1 or 2 years ago. Crazy that it's been almost 5 years.
A fellow raptors fan?
Awesome. Was a great year. I like the direction they are going. Hopefully we will get another deep playoff run in a couple years.
@gnilma is also a Raptors fan and probably @kr though I have never asked him.
for sure!
Are the Raptors doing well this season?
Not really. 12th place in the East. It's unfortunate, but the new players need to build some chemistry with each other so that they can start winning more in the next few years.
I don't usually take pictures, and this isn't the oldest one I have, but I went looking for it yesterday to post on ~Photography.
Awesome. I’m not zapping any entry there, but ofc I will honour your work here haha. Why do you like this photo so much? #472588
I like everything about this picture. I like the elephants because they represent wisdom, divine knowledge and royal power. I like the incense burner because it represents the transformation of matter. The curtain with the tarot cards because they are used as a spiritual compass, guiding the person, indicating what is best and which paths to follow. And finally bitcoin, which represents personal sovereignty in a world controlled by elites.
The first image posted on the web. It's a pop group founded by employees of CERN, the birthplace of the World Wide Web.
Wow you are keeping history on your phone
I think this doesn't need any explanation for why I still keep it. The beer bottle and glass are self sufficient.
However this has a lot to do with my love life, now married with the same girl who is in the picture.
Of course that's a cropped image.
Cool that your other half drinks. Mine does too
Occassionally!! But she has changed a lot after the pregnancy and she's literally become a Hindu devout. She has even left eating garlics and onions. She says that she can't stand the taste and smell of these things. I asked the doctor who happens to be my close friend, said that these changes come up when with pregnancy. Nothing to be worried 💁
I thought you said that you are going to be a father but wasn’t sure when you announced your travel-round-the-world plan. Erm how are you going to reconcile travelling with baby-raising?
Well that's one of the great advantages of living in a combined family. I have my mother, father, brother, and most probably his wife by next year, a sister, her husband and a great uncle who is 80 years old but he is fit. I hope you now have the answer.
I was showing a birthday candy to my wife. the photo is from 2017
Did you buy the cake in the end? Haha
Oldest pic on my phone is my son playing tball when he was 5. So that would be 8 years ago.
Not going to post it but thought I would share what it was.
Does your Prince still pay tball?
No no he is much too old for Tball now but my daughter plays In fact I just signed her up for this summer's season yesterday. My son does taekwondo. He is training for his black belt right now. Probably be at least another year before he is ready to test for it.
It must be bittersweet watching your girl play Tball. Like she’s stepping into her brother’s shoes
I love it. I was thinking about coaching her this year but they are still a bit too small for me to coach. I have a lot of patience for my kids but maybe not a group of 12 kids. I used to play baseball when I was a kid and teen and stopped around 18. At that point I coached baseball with my dad for a few years (he was coach and I was assistant coach) and I really enjoyed it but we were coaching older kids (12 and 13). I am not sure how well I would do coaching 5 and 6 year olds.
Thanks for sharing!
I see that you started young! Is your app still in use?
Oh no I shut it down in 2015 or so
I’m sure you are applying some of the things you learnt then on SN! Haha
Btw are you guys applying some sort of Agile methodologies for the development of SN? Here’s what I learnt about scrum recently
Yep everything we do teaches us something usually and it’s what makes all of our contributions useful because we all have done different things.
We don’t do scrum. I’m pretty anti-process usually, but I’ve heard scrum works well for certain teams. We mostly chat about stuff and work on what we want!
The reason I'm still keeping this wallpaper is obvious - it's motivational + I'm a beach lover so this makes two rabbits with a single bullet.
You make me wonder how rabbit meat tastes like haha
I use brand-new smartphone and gallery almost empty. Anyway I checked it, these is photo with my friends from our childhood. I planned to meet with them and compare how we have changed since then.
Let us know about the meet-up!
Le pont du Gard, 25 Dec 2007. I spent a memorable week with relatives in the area.
This reminds me of the spectacles bridge I saw in Nagasaki! Thanks for sharing your memory n bringing back mine haha
101 sats \ 1 reply \ @Tef 19 Mar 2024
This is one of my oldest photos from the phone I use now. This photo was taken during my first trip to Amsterdam several years ago.
I still keep it because Spinoza remains one of my favorite author.
Spinoza’s monument in Amsterdam.
What appeals to you about Spinoza’s work?
Car exit. Do not park. 2001
Something rather melancholic about your photo
Looking back it appears this is the first photo I took after flashing the custom ROM to my phone. It's from 2019 according to the original filename and EXIF data. I don't necessarily keep it for any particular reason, I just don't delete pictures! I don't usually take many pictures with my phone as I've got an actual camera, but I was on a plane trip and thought this looked like a nice shot.
It is! Why are you stirring my wanderlust? Haha
Do you take your camera with you everywhere you go?
I'm not much of a traveler in most cases, but I've been fortunate to get around and see some interesting places, sometimes while on business trips.
I do carry a camera around a lot! My main camera is pretty compact and light, and I've gotten into the habit of carrying it anytime I'm walking around outside or even when I'm driving. I never know when I'll see something I like, and you can't come back the next day because the picture you wanted is often different then. Even though phone cameras are getting very good, they still don't provide the control and quality you can get with a good camera. I also dislike the processing most of them do in the background.
The oldest one that doesn't contain family appears to be this one of a beer menu in 2013 when I was visiting Evanston, IL for business. Have no idea what the place was, or which one I ordered (I've tried a good 2/3 of the ones listed for sure). https://i.imgur.com/KVLsHY8.png
I would have a glass of Robert the Bruce to feel more manly haha
Lunch with a view
Special place in Tennessee
I see that you take breaks on your hiking trips haha
2013 One of the first photos I got when I used to skate, haha it was really hard to get that photo! Well the quality of the image speaks for itself! It was taken with a small Samsung phone
Bet the memory is priceless in spite of the quality!
Let's Go!
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That’s very minimalistic of you haha
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