In the past, triathlon.
Then, life got in the way, and the best change I've made since: daily biking with Zwift.
I would lie to say: cut drinking, but I've just come out of a week of regular drinking so can't really say I fully cut it. But reducing my alcohol intake compared to my peak time in my 20s has been a huge health boost too.
Both regular sports and less drinking have improved my sleep. Using a sleep apnea machine is the additional factor that made sleep so much better and, thus, ultimately, health.
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Triathlon, wow that sounds brutal but hats off to you! Ahh yes I remember you mentioning Zwift!
Awesome that you've been able to cut back!
Yeah that is one of the main reasons I don't drink anymore, because of it's negative impact on sleep. I'm glad the sleep apnea machine is helping you.