You might have seen this post talking about some art prints I've been selling that wouldn't have happened without Bitcoin.

And I was thinking

I don't want to sell coffee, but what set me on this journey was the desire to make bitcoin the standard currency for humanity.
The main problem with that currently is the lack of utility in the physical world. Mass adoption won't happen until you can buy groceries with it. That's a long journey and I don't really want to sell coffee anymore. I'm an artist at heart.

So I decided to make some Ordinals / Bitcoin NFT's for my physical prints.

These are not JPEGS on Bitcoin these are proof of ownership and verification of authenticity.

But the website isn't done yet, so Why am I posting?

I decided to keep a public record of the progress of this app. Part of that is telling y'all whats happening. and part of that is generating ideas. I make a point to come up with at least 3 new things to try each day. and posting my progress daily on Stacker news is one of them.

Current Progress

  • basic website set up with user login and donation functionality


  • Set up JS code to inscribe ordinals with data
  • Set up api request to Pictorem for printing of physical piece when someone orders.
  • Clean up website and replace stock images and text
  • Integrate NOSTR and Lightning Logins
  • Set up mailer for order tracking

Ideas to try

  • Post daily on stacker news about progress because bitcoiners might be interested / want to help (unless yall feel I'm spamming)
  • take pre orders for ordinals
  • finish stacker news statistics page (half done in pr. A little burnt our from coding other peoples projects atm)
  • create instagram for this project -Done @ dammit_dillon
  • Make twitter for this project
Here's the github repo If you're interested / want to contribute
The stack is Ruby on Rails, TailwindCSS, Stimulus (for javascript)
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