thank you. :) yes indeed. I know some people that are on many different networks at the same time and it seems as if that would be their full time job, all the time glued to their phones, and it is sad to see, in my opinion.
sad and stupid - trying to hard but for cheap likes? πŸ™Š
sharing for the fun of sharing has been disqualified to 3rd place its a cut throat world
This is such an interesting question to me: do the sats you earn here decrease the sharing for the fun of it?
I think it's a function of how many sats you already have so individual sats mean less to you.
But there are indeed some thirsty stackers around here πŸ₯΅
but trying too hard ruining all the fun? πŸ‘€
experiment for anyone share some things as @anon where you know you will get no rewards and see how the experience feels, if it feels weird, does that mean that you are just sharing to get rewards? will no one appreciate your proof of work if you do not have your nym attached? will you cease to exist?
Some people could learn a lot from this…
this deserved some anon sats
what is also fun about this is that you have to pay 100 sats to share your fun so very thirsty stackers will not use @anon just because of that already
big difference
but i have to proofread my comments as @anon a lot since there are no edits
big oof
such deep thought to start the day:)
deleted by author
there is a certain simplicity to @anon it is rather refreshing and freeing
my bad, for fun too πŸ˜‚