So beautifully packed! Thanks, I never thought it that way... Layers of communication! Damn man, you got the point of writing! Also @DarthCoin mentioned some of these point in #469063
Do you have any resources or learning material to share about it? I was focusing on formatting but am happy to bring this thread a bit forward
What's your thinking on exclamation and question marks immediately after an italicised word ?
I note that you didn't italicise the exclamation mark after packed above. The run on to the exclamation mark looks a little clumsy to me, but the alternative of also italicising the exclamation mark also looks a little weird.
(My own solution is to adopt the French practice of leaving a space before exclamation & question marks. Which I find more appealing anyway, in general use.)
Not all cases are the same and your approach on creating a space it probably work on all cases, same as it would without but... as you said, adding a French touch might be perceived as a nice detail and a more pleasurable reading.
From my perspective, it also depends on which letter is last near the exclamation point: it does change, having a i! that compensate or a v! that push it forward. The type of font used also make a huge difference. So I'd personally not use the same approach all the times.